Nowhere to Go
I want to break out of this cage
From this place that has imprisoned me
For every thought I have
A brick is laid
The builder endlessly constructing
Sealing my passage
Securing my unease
Anxiety has me trapped
Fear is swelling inside me
Constant questions being asked
A pack of hounding interrogators
A paralysing inquest
What if? Should I? Can I really?
Each one requiring the perfect solution
A vicious circle of thoughts
Playing incessantly in my head
Anxiety is building this enclosure ever higher
My body is drained
My stomach is churning
Sick and tired from all this worry
I must muster the strength
To climb out of this dark tunnel
But not now
In time I will be free
I will tear down this wall
I will smash every brick surrounding me
And I will confidently march on
With no worries, no burdens, no concerns, no doubts
Just live my life
Just breathe in the air
One day, I will be there
Background: This is how I think anxiety stops you from being the person you want to be