My Four-Wheeled Friend
My four-wheeled friend is feeling let down
Not said anything for days
Has now turned her back on me
Sits there and waits
Wondering why she stays
I should be distraught
I should be screaming and shouting
Telling her not to be so glum
But to tell you the truth
I can’t blame her moods
She has just lost her only chum
Took ages to accept her as a friend
Stop pushing her away shouting ‘no!’
But this walk was too hard
So along she came
Rolled with me wherever we’d go
But in time it changed
New ideas sprung to mind
Exhausted arms needed a rest
Bumps and holes
In pavements no more
Will stop me doing my best
Something powerful I had to find
To barge through all in my way
To set new speeds
To race with all
And join them for the play
Motorised Blue is now the star
With a powerful engine
Much faster by far
We venture further to places new
To hidden gems, I never knew
We sit there and laugh
We sit there and smile
A life of adventure
Hurtling mile after mile
But let’s not forget my two stumbling legs
Whose unsteady walk
Take me to places near
Whose uncontrolled walk
Leaves people in fear
I can’t compete
With the bigger toy
But walking on my feet
Is what I long to enjoy
Motorised Blue
Background: Last year (2018) has been a year of many firsts: first time to use 2 walking sticks; first time to use a wheelchair and first time to need an electric scooter. However, I was really disappointed that my arms were just not strong enough to propel a wheelchair and I needed an electric scooter. That's where the idea for this poem started.