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Juggling Words


My legs are always struggling to flow

And my brain doesn’t tell me

What I need to know

I’m a word juggling poet wading upstream

In a river of words trying to catch what I mean


He asked for an apple or was it a pear?

I really couldn’t remember

After I’d walked over there

We needed some stamps from down the road

But I bought him some milk

That wasn’t what I was told!

I’m a word juggling poet wading upstream

In a river of words trying to catch what I mean


When speaking with them

I couldn’t follow the debate

Forgot what we were saying

Wanted to hide or escape

I tried to join in but got it all wrong

So I sat there quiet pretending to be strong

I’m a word juggling poet wading upstream

In a river of words trying to catch what I mean


This brain fog can really get me down

Makes me anxious and worried

The chief zombie in town

Get rid of this tiredness

I’m trying not to drown

But all this muddling and tripping

Makes me the best performing clown

I’m a word juggling poet wading upstream

In a river of words trying to catch what I mean


If I say a wrong word

Or forget what I was told

Please don’t leave me out here

Alone in the cold

My cognitive powers are not all they seem

I could be Prime Minister or even the Queen

So be kind to me when I get it wrong

I’ll always make you laugh singing my song


I’m a word juggling poet wading upstream

In a river of words trying to catch what I mean

Background: Brain fog is a symptom of MS. I sometimes muddle my words, forget words, lose track of conversations and make a clown of myself!!! Usually worse when I'm tired, often not there at all, but with MS, you never know!!

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