Found my legs the other day
Hidden away at the back of a cupboard
Real gems they were
Absolute masterpieces
Won prizes galore.
These are the ones that toddled
The ones that walked
The ones that ran
The ones that sprinted
Knew I had them somewhere
And here they are
Still looking their best
Like they did all those years ago.
Mum had said, ‘Put them in a safe place’
‘Don’t leave them lying around’
‘You never know when you might need them.’
Should have listened to her
The search might not have taken so long.
But here they lie now
As good as new
Waiting patiently
Waiting to be attached once more.
I pick them up carefully
Turn them over
Feel the warmth inside
Hear their pulse beating
Pounding faster than ever
These really were winners
Oh to have such great replacements
Such a worthwhile exchange
My legs today still look the part
But inside they’re different.
Heavy and sluggish
Distressed and troubled.
Hurting and suffering
Wounded and hopeless.
Tragic beyond doubt.
Let’s swop now
Get rid of these failures
Bring back the aces of walking
The masters of winning
Do away with all suffering
And recapture my freedom.
But something prevents this
Something is holding me back
I’m cradling my freedom
But I’m frozen with fear.
What if they don’t work anymore?
What if they won’t hook up?
What if connecting them is too great a task?
What if it’s just not possible?
I might ruin the legs of old
Destroy what they were
Crush all their triumphs
And end every success they achieved.
I place them back in the cupboard
They’ll be safe there
All these years have shown that
Take one last look
And walk away.
Walk away
I walked away!!!
My legs haven’t given up the ghost yet!
Something stirred inside!
Something that still wants to move
Something that still wants to go forwards
Something that still wants to achieve
Something that still wants to live!
New triumphs I must find
No matter how small, how slight
Big prizes are still to be won!
Background: As my legs don't work like they used to, wouldn't it be great if I could have the old ones back?!