Christmas Junk
Christmas junk!
That’s what my head is full of
How can I be expected to remember the stamps?
I have a million other Christmas things going on!
Remember to take the kids to the Christmas disco
Remember to make the angel costume
Remember to write the Christmas cards
Remember to book the panto
Christmas junk is what I call it
All the other things to do
on top of being a busy mum and wife
But I am sorry, I forgot the stamps
I did remember to order the presents
I did put up the Christmas lights
I did buy the wrapping paper
write to Santa, decorate the tree
go to the Grotto, order the turkey
But I am sorry, I forgot the stamps
My head is in Christmas Land
I’m working full speed ahead
to make this the best Christmas ever
But until the day when the big man comes
I will forget to iron your shirts
I will forget to find your tie
I will forget to make your tea
and I will forget to buy your stamps!
The Post Office is down the road
Background: I really did forget to buy the stamps for my husband's Christmas cards. I let him know about all the other things I'd done to prepare for Christmas!!! It makes us laugh now!!