Early Hours
It’s a funny old body
I have right now
I’m awake at five in the morning
But night time is still singing its song
I feel like I’m lying on bricks
But the mattress cradles me
Sleep has decided its work is complete
Has left the room
So here I am
Trying to calm the commotion
Trying to convince the intruders they shouldn’t stay
Trying to negotiate two more hours of sleep
But no one is listening
I toss and turn
I turn and toss
Wrestle the pillow
Try shake off the chaos
Collapse in frustration
I long for sleep
I ache for sleep
Wasted moments without slumber
Witness to things I shouldn’t have seen
When does it end?
I wait
My sleep must be near
My contented, comfortable sleep
My warm, peaceful sleep
I close my eyes
Background: Anyone wake up in the middle of the night? So frustrating!